

  Getting a quotation for dental implants near you

Your dentist may be able to give you
a tooth implant cost estimate without a consultation,
but won't be able to provide a final price before first examining your teeth, gums and jawbone.

Some dentists provide a complete tooth implant
price with everything included, while others break
it down so you can see the cost of each individual component and procedure.

When you receive a quote for dental work,
be sure to check if the fee includes t
he following items or if they will have a separate cost:

  • Consultations
  • Dental impressions
  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • Follow-up visits
  • Every part of the implant (root, abutment, crown/bridge/denture)
  • Temporary crowns, if needed
  • All surgical procedures

Sometimes, dental implant patients need preparatory sinus lift surgery with a bone graft. This is usually the case if you have extracted your maxillary molars long ago and suffered bone loss.

The full tooth implants cost in the UK can be anything from £200 to £2,000, so this is something you'll have to factor in when deciding whether you can afford teeth implants.

Some clinics may lure you in with low-price dental implants, but once you add on the price of the crown, surgery and scans, it's not so cheap after all. Get several quotes from local dentists before you decide on one – you may be surprised how much they vary.

Do you need help locating a great dentist in your area that's reasonably priced for implants and other treatments? Choose your nearest city from the list below to get started: